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"A waterfall begins with a single drop of water."


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Books By

Ashley Raquelle

Fountain Pen

Power. Magic. Beauty.

Words create life.

Words paint a picture.

Words are the light, when life goes dark.

Circular Library
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The Roots Beneath The Tree: A Book of Poetry

For the shy girls struggling

With esteem of self,

I offer these metaphoric words of reflective help.

Guidance into questioning that first true love,

Abruptly the gut sinking heartbreak...

Yes, you are more than enough.

For the Brown Beauties’ dazzling smiles,

Know your culture, ancestry, history,

And that you are worthwhile.

As a Black girl, the “experience” you must know,

Addressing racism past to present,

Our strength and resiliency continuously grow.

On your journey of identity

Discovering your authenticity,

Welcome the life lessons for inquisitive adolescents.

Over 20 original poems, including 2 award winning poems, PLUS the poem I performed at my high school graduation.

The Roots Beneath The Tree shows my journey as a writer. From when I started writing poetry at 13 years old, up to my high school graduation. I wanted to document the progression in my writing as well as my transformation, as I found my own voice and my own style of writing. I used poetry for self-expression, at first, to help me through dating, relationships, and heartbreak. As I grew in awareness within myself and within the world I lived, I wanted to use my writing to make an impact.


This is my story.

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